Call for Contributions

We are excited to invite you to contribute to the OWC 2024, where we aim to foster a vibrant exchange of knowledge, ideas, and practices in the field of organic agriculture.

This year we have organised the contributions into four dynamic tracks:

This track emphasises the integration of organic principles into everyday life, focusing on how organic practices can enhance personal well-being, community health, and cultural heritage. It explores ways to promote organic living as a holistic approach that encompasses diet, health, and environmental stewardship.

Globally, this track addresses the growing consumer demand for organic products and the shift towards healthier, more sustainable lifestyles. It highlights the role of organic agriculture in fostering global well-being and cultural diversity, encouraging practices that can be adapted to different regions and communities worldwide.

In Taiwan, the promotion of organic culture and lifestyle is crucial for preserving indigenous and traditional farming practices and integrating them with modern sustainable living. By emphasizing local organic food systems, community health, and cultural heritage, this track seeks to strengthen the connection between people and their food sources, encouraging more sustainable lifestyle choices.

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This track is dedicated to the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices among organic farmers, researchers, and practitioners. It aims to facilitate collaborative learning and innovation, ensuring that successful organic farming techniques and research findings are shared widely and adapted to various contexts.

Internationally, this track fosters a global community of organic practitioners who can learn from each other and collaborate on solving common challenges. By promoting the exchange of ideas and techniques, it supports the development of more resilient and adaptable organic farming systems worldwide, facilitating global agricultural progress.

For Taiwan, sharing knowledge and practices is vital to enhance local organic farming methods and integrate innovative techniques from other regions. This track supports the development of local expertise and encourages the adoption of best practices that can improve productivity and sustainability in Taiwanese agriculture and beyond.

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This track explores strategies to expand and strengthen organic markets while maintaining the core values of organic agriculture. It focuses on sustainable business models, market integrity, consumer trust, and the economic viability of organic farming.

Globally, the track addresses the challenges and opportunities in growing organic markets in different regions. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining organic integrity and consumer trust, which are essential for the continued growth and success of the organic sector worldwide. By exploring sustainable market strategies, it helps create economic opportunities for organic farmers globally.

In Taiwan, expanding the organic market is crucial for supporting local farmers and providing consumers with access to organic products. This track addresses the need for robust market infrastructure, certification processes, and consumer education to build a trustworthy and vibrant organic market.

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This track examines the powerful role of progressive policies in promoting and scaling up organic and agroecological practices. It focuses on the development and implementation of policies that support sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation, and social equity.

Internationally, this track addresses the need for cohesive policy approaches that facilitate the global transition to sustainable farming systems. It explores how international bodies, national governments, and local authorities can collaborate to create policies that promote organic farming, environmental sustainability, and social justice. By advocating for supportive policies, it helps drive systemic change towards global sustainability.

For Taiwan, developing supportive policies is essential for the expansion of organic farming and the integration of agroecological principles into mainstream agriculture. This track highlights the importance of government and institutional support in creating a conducive environment for organic agriculture to thrive.

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What kinds of contributions are being accepted?

We are open to a wide range of contributions, including but not limited to:

  • Abstracts: Summaries of your research or project in a concise format
  • Full Papers: Present comprehensive research studies, case studies, or theoretical papers.
  • Contribution: Include a novel idea, a progress report, a case study, a demonstration of technological innovation, an application in practice, or an education and learning innovation.
  • Creative Contributions: Submit performances, songs, poetry, or other creative works related to the conference tracks.
  • Oral Presentations: Share your findings or ideas through a verbal presentation or panel discussion at the conference.
  • Poster Presentations: Display your work in a visual format to engage with attendees.

The deadline for application will be 31 August 2024  15 September, 2024. The committees will review the applications and inform you before the end of September 2024 of whether your submission has been selected.

How to submit your contribution?

Contributions can be uploaded on the dedicated submission platform.

Below are rules and regulations for submission:

  • Original Work: All submissions must be the original work of the author(s)
  • Ethical Standards: Submissions must adhere to ethical standards in research, including proper citations and avoidance of plagiarism.
  • Author Responsibility: Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information and content provided in their submissions.
  • Compliance: Submissions must comply with the format format and length requirements as given in the template.
  • Revisions: Authors may be required to revise their submissions based on feedback from the review committee.
  • Presentation Requirement: Accepted submissions must be presented at the conference by at least one of the authors.
  • Copyright: Authors retain the copyright of their work but grant OWC 2024 a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use, reproduce, and distribute the submitted work in connection with the congress.
  • Publication: Accepted abstracts will be published in the OWC 2024 proceedings. Authors grant OWC 2024 the right to publish and distribute the contribution as part of the congress proceedings.
  • Unusual Circumstances: In case of force majeure events, the conference format may be changed to an online event, and registrations will be transferred accordingly without refunds.
  • Please use the appropriate template for your submission (templates will be available to download directly on the submission platform).
  • Abstracts should be one page in length and written in English.
    Abstracts should be a single paragraph with no more than 500 words that gives a relevant overview of the title.
  • Author Information should include the author’s name, designation, and e-mail address.
  • Keywords or phrases must be provided (no more than six words).
  • Please indicate between one and three of the most relevant topics for your abstract from the four tracks.
  • The abstract should be submitted in the Microsoft Word document format.
  • Authors will be asked to revise documents that do not conform to guidelines.
  • Documents received after the given deadline for any reason, will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.
  • The contribution may include figures and tables as deemed pertinent.
    The creative contribution may include figures, photos and a prerecorded video may be added as deemed pertinent.

Title: Times New Roman, 16 points, Upper case, Centered text in bold
Body: Times New Roman, 12 points; Line spacing: single spaced, one column of text

  • Review Process: Your submission will undergo a thorough peer-review process by our scientific committee.
  • You may receive requests for revisions based on the feedback from reviewers.
  • Notification of Acceptance: You will receive an email notification regarding the acceptance of your submission before September 15, 2024.
  • If accepted, start preparing your presentation materials. Ensure all visual aids and supplementary materials are ready for the conference.
  • Registration: Register for the conference and complete the payment process. Take advantage of the Early Bird registration rates available until September 10, 2024.
  • Travel and Accommodation: Plan your travel and accommodation in Chiayi County, Taiwan. Refer to the conference website for recommended hotels and travel information. 
  • Final Submission: Submit your final full paper, slides and presentation materials by the specified deadline

Important Dates

31 August 2024  15 September, 2024: Submission Deadline
Middle of September, 2024:  Notification of Acceptance
10 September – 3 November 2024: Submission deadline for presentation files, after acceptance.
30 November – 1 December 2024: Pre-conferences
2 – 4 December 2024: Organic World Congress
5 – 6 December 2024: General Assembly of IFOAM – Organics International