Organic In Taiwan

Development of Organic Agriculture in Taiwan

Current State of Organic Agriculture in Taiwan

Dr. Jane Goodall once said, “We have three chances a day to change the world.” Carbon emissions can be reduced to better protect our health and the environment if we choose organically and sustainably grown, locally produced, and low-carbon foods with minimal processing. This promotes environmentally friendly agriculture and the food and beverage industry.

The Organic Agriculture Promotion Act

It is a global consensus now that net-zero emission is the key to mitigate global warming, which is a goal set in Taiwan for 2050. Taiwan even has the goal to reach Net Zero in agriculture by 2040. Organic agriculture, which bans chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides and employs natural farming methods, offers the benefits of carbon reduction and carbon sink increase. The government will continue to promote organic and friendly farming practices, taking into account issues like corporate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and carbon credits, to help farmers create added values in agriculture.

In 2017, the Council of Agriculture launched the “New Agriculture Innovation Promotion Program.” Since the implementation of the “Organic Agriculture Promotion Act” on May 30, 2019, the government has actively promoted organic and friendly agriculture as solutions to climate change and net-zero carbon emission. 

According to Article 6 of the Organic Agriculture Promotion Act, local governments may assign organic agriculture promotion zones. State-owned land or lands owned by state enterprises available for agricultural use should be prioritized as promotion zones. Local governments can assist farmers in these zones who have not yet adopted organic production to seek transition and to take necessary measures to prevent organic farmland from being contaminated by adjacent fields. As of 2023, three organic agriculture promotion zones have been established, covering approximately 219 hectares.

To enhance the development of organic agriculture, the Organic Agriculture Research Center was established in Hualien County, covering about 10.3 hectares. This center aims to develop and demonstrate organic cultivation techniques in Taiwan. Officially inaugurated in November 2023, it is the world’s fifth and Asia’s first organic agriculture research institution. It is dedicated to research and development in “ecological organic farming” and “indigenous organic technologies.” Current research projects include post-harvest processing techniques, comprehensive utilization of fruit crops, screening new varieties for organic cultivation and climate adaptation, developing equipment for alternative host propagation of natural enemies, and new natural enemy release devices. Internationally, the center will connect with global organic agriculture, with the aim to become a hub for international exchange and cooperation, thereby enhancing Taiwan’s visibility in international research and leading the development and upgrading of Taiwan’s organic agriculture.

Further information: 

The area of organic and friendly farming has grown from 6,783 hectares in 2016 to about 3.6 times that size. By 2023, there are 18 organic certification bodies in Taiwan, with 17,365 hectares of certified organic land. Additionally, 47 environmentally friendly farming organizations have been approved, with 6,749 hectares recognized, totaling 24,114 hectares of environmentally friendly land, accounting for 3.06% of the arable land in Taiwan. The organic and friendly farming area has reached 13,441 hectares, posting an increase of 79.4%, since the implementation of the Organic Agriculture Promotion Act in 2019.

Promoting the Use of Organic Ingredients

The government assists schools and school lunch providers in establishing organic food supply systems. This initiative promotes healthy organic vegetable consumption from schools to households. By 2023, 21 counties (cities) and 3,017 schools were regularly using organic ingredients every week, primarily organic vegetables and rice.

Promoting Green and Organic Restaurants

  1. Organic Restaurants: The project of “Organic Restaurants” is a joint collaboration of the Organic Center of National Ilan University and the Agriculture and Food Agency. The aim is to expand marketing channels for organic agricultural products, encouraging restaurants to support organic farmers and provide consumers with safe and healthy organic foods. All members are restaurants that use domestically produced organic ingredients. By January 2024, there are 99 restaurants in 15 counties and cities across Taiwan in the project.
  2. Green Restaurants: The Taipei Cultural Exploration Association launched the “Green Dining Guide” in 2018, encouraging restaurants to prioritize organic, local, and seasonal ingredients, adhere to sustainable ecological and marine principles, reduce the use of additives, provide vegetarian options, and thus minimize resource waste and loss.

Expanding Diverse Marketing Channels for Organic Agricultural Products

To assist farmers in expanding marketing channels for organic agricultural products, 243 organic product counters are set up in retail channels and large hypermarkets. There are also 16 organic farmers’ markets, 112 on-line stores of organic products, and the Taiwan Organic Information Portal, an online farmers’ marketing platform, where more than 230 organic products from across Taiwan are available, for easy search and purchase via a mobile App. The Taiwan Organic Information Portal also participates in major food exhibitions, thereby expanding diverse marketing channels for organic agricultural products.

Promoting Export of Organic Agricultural Products

Since the implementation of the Organic Agriculture Promotion Act, Taiwan has actively negotiated with countries for bilateral organic equivalence. As of 2023, Taiwan has entered into bilateral organic equivalence arrangement with Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, India, and Paraguay, promoting international trade of organic agricultural products from Taiwan.

Promoting Organic Food and Agricultural Education

The organic food and agricultural education is promoted in various settings, including K-12 schools, community dining centers, senior centers, retail stores, institutions, and enterprises. In 2023, over 238 sessions on organic food and agricultural education were held in schools and institutions to advocate for organic living, with more than 8,702 participants. 

Organic Aquaculture

In response to the implementation of the Organic Agriculture Promotion Act on May 30, 2019, an organic agriculture promotion scheme has been launched every four years, with organic aquaculture included. The schemes specify certification criteria and categories for organic aquacultures. To promote the international market for organic products and meet the demand for green diets and consumption, domestic aquaculture farmers and related businesses are assisted to establish eco-friendly farming environments. This involves methods such as polyculture to increase biodiversity, reducing farming density, minimizing groundwater extraction, and avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals. Operators are encouraged to obtain organic aquaculture certification. Currently, five agricultural operators have obtained organic aquaculture certification, covering aquatic plants (algae) and aquatic animals (clams, hard clams, giant grouper, white shrimp, and milkfish), with a certified farming area of approximately 17 hectares.

Organic Livestock Products

(1)  The certification criteria of organic livestock products have been in effect since 2007. Organic livestock operators are assited to follow relevant laws and regulations to serve the market with legally certified organic livestock products to enhance consumer trust. As of 2023, there are four certified organic livestock operators in Taiwan, producing certified items like eggs, chicken, and pork, with a certified production area of 1.9276 hectares.

(2)  To promote friendly livestock production policies, the “Definition and Guideline of Animal-friendly Egg Production System” and the “Definition and Guideline of Animal-friendly Pig Raising System” were formulated in 2015 and 2016 respectively. The “Definition and Guideline of Animal-friendly Egg Production System” was revised in 2022 and, the “Definition and Guideline of Animal-friendly Cattle Raising System” was formulated in 2023. Livestock farms are encouraged to pursue transition into friendly production modes. A total of 12 livestock farms have applied to transition to friendly production systems between 2021 and 2023.

Special Organic Crops

The total production area of certified organic crops was 17,365 hectares in 2023, with vegetables covering 7,938 hectares (45.71% of the total certified organic area) as the largest category, followed by rice, covering 3,423 hectares (19.71%). Organic vegetables are mainly grown in Chiayi County, Nantou County, and Yunlin County, while organic rice concentrates in Hualien County, Taitung County, and Yilan County.

In terms of the area of friendly farming, vegetables also account for the largest portion, covering 3,731 hectares (55.28% of the total friendly farming area), followed by other and special crops, covering 1,583 hectares (23.46% of the total friendly farming area).

  • By the end of 2023, the area of organic rice cultivation in Taiwan has reached 3,423 hectares, making it the largest single crop category, accounting for about 20% of the total organic crop area and 1.4% of the rice cultivation area nationwide.
  • The main production areas for organic rice are in eastern Taiwan and the Yunlin-Chiayi region. Organic rice is a relatively mature and easy-to-enter category in Taiwan’s organic crop production. Properly managed organic rice fields can have yields comparable to conventional fields.
  • By the end of 2023, the area of organic tea cultivation in Taiwan has reached 524 hectares, accounting for 3% of the total organic crop cultivation area and 4.3% of the tea cultivation area nationwide. [Source]
  • The main production areas of organic tea are in Nantou County, Hualien County, Kaohsiung City, and New Taipei City. Common and characteristic tea varieties of Taiwan include Oolong tea and black tea (Oolong tea includes Fragrant Oolong tea, roasted Oolong tea, Dongding Oolong tea, Oriental Beauty, Red Oolong, etc.).
  • Since 2019, the Nantou Global Tea Expo has featured an organic-themed tea exhibition hall, organized by the Agriculture and Food Agency and commissioned to the Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation. Each year, 100 varieties of Taiwanese organic tea are selected to attract public recognition and appreciation.
  • In 2020, the Tea Research Station of the Council of Agriculture (now the Tea and Beverage Research Station) and Taipei Liu-Kung Agriculture Foundation held the TAGs of the First National Organic Tea Classification and Grading activity. They also launched the Taiwan Specialty Teas Flavor Wheel, suggesting the growing maturity of the organic tea industry and mature tea-making technologies in Taiwan. By 2023, there have been four events of National Organic Tea Classification and Grading. The evaluation categories include fragrant tea, partially fermented tea, black tea, and tea bags.