International Cooperation and Exchange in Organic Agriculture Research
Workshops are independently organised one or more sessions during the Organic World Congress. Workshops allow researchers, farmers, experts and students to meet face-to-face and have interactive discussions.
Workshops address various topics by extending the content of the 4 Tracks through case studies and group discussion.
Detailed Information
This workshop provides a platform for countries to exchange ideas on organic agriculture development, as well as learn from the experience of other countries and try to apply it to the participating countries. We hope it can serve as a platform for participants to conduct more exchange activities in the future for achieve ‘sustainability’.
This workshop belongs to all of the 4 tracks: Policy for scaling up organics and agroecology, Organic culture and lifestyle, Knowledge and practice sharing, Growing Organic Markets, rooted in organic principles. Furthermore, workshop ensures that organic agriculture in Taiwan and globally can achieve sustainable and effective development.
Main Topics
- Current status of organic agriculture development in various countries.
- Organic agriculture guidance and promotion policies in different regions.
- Case studies of ecological and life co-prosperity within organic agriculture.
- Experiences of integrating ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)principles in the development of organic agriculture.
Main Objectives of the Workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate the exchange and discussion among organic agriculture research centers from various countries on the development of organic agriculture. The session includes sharing by each center on the current status of local organic agriculture development, young farmer training, guidance and promotion policies, ESG integration, and future directions. The significance of this workshop lies in its gathering of experiences from researchers across different regions, promoting cooperation, innovation, and feasibility in the development of organic agriculture. Additionally, it enables all participants to gain a more diverse understanding of the meaning and value of organic agriculture.
Main outcomes expected
Enhance understanding of participants of Regenerative agroecological principles and their significance in mountain region Provides participants with insights into the challenges and opportunities of integrating regenerative agriculture practices in mountain agriculture Facilitates the exchange of best practices, case studies and innovative approaches to regenerative agriculture among participants from diverse backgrounds and regions, and Promotes collaboration, networking and opportunities for future partnership among participants Supports the objectives of the Himalayan Agroecology Initiative
Targeted Public
- Open for registration to all, with a maximum capacity of 80 participants.
Key Info
4 Dec 2024
13:30 - 15:00 (GMT+8)
conference room:
Main organiser:
Ta-Chi Yang, Director of Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension
Station, Ministry of Agriculture, R.O.C. (Taiwan) Yu-Che Yeh, Secretary of Hualien District
Contact person:
Agricultural Research and Extension
Station, Ministry of Agriculture, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Target Audience:
Maximum Participants: 50-150 people

Dr. Sherry Shu-Yuan Chiou
Organic Agricultural Research Center, Taiwan
- Chief
- Professional field: Agricultural Product Processing, Organic Farming Research
- Email:[email protected]

Bharat Acharya Bharat
Rodale Institute
- Research Director of Southeast Organic Center
- Professional field: Agro-Environmental Management, Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Soil Science and Water Management
- Email: [email protected]

Andrew M. Hammermeister
Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada
- Director of the Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada
- Professional field: Organic Agriculture, Agroecology, Soil Fertility Management, Organic Weed Management
- Email: [email protected]

Lindsay Whistance
Organic Research Centre
- Senior Livestock Researcher
- Professional field: Livestock Management, Livestock Environmental Science
- Email:[email protected]

Markus Arbenz
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
- Senior consultant
- Professional field: Organic Agriculture/Agroecology and International Development Cooperation
- Email: [email protected]

Gagnesh Sharma
National Centre for Organic and Natural Farming
- Director
- Professional field: Organic Fertilizers, Biopesticides and Biofertilizers, Tea management
- Email:[email protected]