Side Events


Workshops are independently organised one or more sessions during the Organic World Congress. Workshops allow researchers, farmers, experts and students to meet face-to-face and have interactive discussions.

Workshops address various topics by extending the content of the 4 Tracks through case studies and group discussion.

Open Call

Organise a Workshop

Workshops are independently organised one or more sessions during the Organic World Congress. Consider organising a workshop!

In brief, Workshops are:

  • 1 or more sessions, each allocated a 1 hour and 30-minute time slot during the OWC main Conference (2-4 December, 2024).
  • Proposed and organised by an Organic Stakeholder, by contracting with the OWC Organisers.
  • Dealing with a topic relevant for the Organic sector and in line with the congress’ objectives and themes.  
  • Dealing with a topic in a complementary way to the various OWC Tracks.
  • Addressing stakeholders from all over the world and not only a single country or a single region.
  • An in-person event organised in Taiwan.
  • Included and visible on the OWC programme.